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fake it [til you make it]

Romance 30K Active
Author: yenelai
Time: 2023-11-03

It was totally Taehyungs fault for starting this.Well, maybe it was the soju.But it was probably Hoseoks fault for giving Taehyung the idea in the first place.In any case, it was in no way, Jungkooks fault.[or; in which taehyung plans an elaborate scheme where he and jungkook try to convince everyone that theyre an item thats in hiding. taehyung says its for fun, but really, he just wants to piss hoseok off for that damn comment] Foreword *sort of a reprise of a fic that Id written from a different fandom but lost inspiration for--I took the general idea but have changed it around past the first 2 chapters so if you recognise this thats why ^^ shameless fluff ahead. canon compliant.poster & background by style-ran from color bucket*
