The Tree Of Life And The Life Of EXO (In One Story I Guess)

Life 00K Active
Time: 2023-11-03

Pretty terible at descriptions tbvvh, honestly just read and find out. Foreword "When The skies and the grounds were one legends through their twelve forces nurtured the tree of life. An eye of red forces created the evil which covered the heart of tree of life and the heart slowly grew dry. To intent an embrace for heart of tree of life, the legends hereby divide the tree in half and hide each side hence time is overturned and space turns askew. The twelve forces divide into two and create two suns that look alike, into two worlds that seem alike. The legends travel apart. The legends shall now see the same sky but shall stand on different grounds, shall stand on the same ground but shall see different skies. The day the grounds beget a single fault before one sky in two worlds that seem alike, the legends will greet each other. The day the red forces purify and twelve forces reunite into one perfect root, a new world shall open up." Junmyeon roughly ruffled his hair, one of his ways to try to stay alert he supposed. He wouldn’t exactly say he had gotten a lot of sleep lately, not only was he sleep deprived, he was also hungry and constantly sore. That was the result of the hard training and strict diets they were all put on, Junmyeon wouldn’t complain though, even though he had thought of the idea of leaving he had decided to not give up, he hadnt wasted five years of his life just to give up, there was no going back. All hardship he had faced would hopefully soon pay of, rumours had been spreading around the company about a new boygroup and Junmyeon, much like all other boys of the company, hoped that he would be one of those who were qualified for the spots. All the trouble  following his life at SM Entertainment was a part of the trainee life, he knew that when he signed the contract, he could only blame himself. For now he would do his best and hope for the best, his grades in school weren’t bad so what was the worst thing that could happen?    Before we start though I want to clarify a few things *wipes tear*1. This is all just for fun and myself who is a big fan of conspiracy theories and an SM stan (lol wait what groups dont I stan?) Purely fictional man, purely fictional.2. Word vomit bc I am a lazy person who just writes what comes to their mind kay? I aint guaranteeing you that this is good XD3. English is not my first language (mind you I cant spell in my first language or my first first language either ¯\_ツ_/¯) Grammar Mistakes and spelling might (will probably) occur.4. Slow updates beCAUSE A lot of research might need to be done for this and uh school is my first priority (that and Ji ben gong, Taolu and Bing qi, possible classes in mandarin too if I feel like it. Wait this is not important, where were we....RIGHT!)5. I will add tags and characters as the story continues :D6. If this has already been made then Im sorry? it? was? not? my? intention? to? copy? XD7. Credits to SM entertainment kkkkkNow my dood, read on and share if you like it bc why daduck not, Subscriptions, upvotes and comments are appreciated (especially comments XD)
