
Exo 00K Active
Author: unicesawmhal
Latest: first
Time: 2023-11-03

Characters Name: Huang Zi Tao but likes to be called TaoLooks kind of scary but with his hyungs he is like a ….. Cute pandaKnows martial art (wushu) likes to rap and dance (nerd)       Name: Do Kyung Soo but likes to be called d.oHe is nice and cute but don’t mess with his baby aka (Tao) or he will rip you apart Enjoys cooking and singing too (nerd)         Name: ZHANG YI XING likes to be called LayNever in the same world as others cute and forgetfulLikes to sing, dance, write songs and play the piano and gutter (nerd) Name: Byun BaekHyunFun to hung out with can be bitchyLoves to sing and make others laugh (nerd) Name: Kim MinSeok likes to be called XiuminOldest who looked the youngestLikes to sing, rap and eat (nerd) Name: luhanLooks like a girl can be a bit bitchyLikes to sing and make fun of his friends (nerds)  Name: Wu Yi Fan likes to be called KrisScary as f*** but handsome as FLikes to rap (kingka) Name: Kim Jong In likes to be called kaiPlayboy of the school but is hot as ……. Soz can’t describeLikes to dance and rap well a little (kingka) Name: Park ChanYeolHappy virus likes to see everyone happyLikes to rap and make others happy (kingka)  Name: Kim JoonMyun likes to be called suhoRich he is nice but kind of be like one of those people that act like grandpasLikes to sing buy things for his friends (not they force himL also a kingka)   Name: Kim JongDae likes to be called ChenLikes to troll but can be really serous at times  Likes to sing has a voice of an angle (kingka) Name: Oh SehunAlways has a poker face but still looks hotLikes to dance and rap (kingka)   Names: cl, minzy, bom and daraSchool queenka friends with the nerds and help them outAlso known as 2ne1 and for their bad ass behaviour  Name: Taeyeon, Yoona, Tiffany, Seohyun, Yuri, Sunny, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Jessica Another school queenka’s they heat the nerds and they always hang out with the kingka’s also heat the other 2ne1 ( I don’t heat snds it’s just well don’t know don’t be mad I really enjoy their music so soz if you’re a fan of them) also known as snds or girls generation also they are really girly     Forewordtoday was our first day and im so excited it will be fun but i dont get why we have to waer these odd looking glases and wigs *sigh* oh well i still have to do what umma says so........im still so sad that tao kris and luhan felt but you know what i hope they had a great futher a head them and us exo-l should help them and look after them as best as we can :)
