// Falling for you //

Bigbang 150K Active
Author: afadedmemory
Latest: 017
Time: 2023-11-01

The rain drops hit the window louder, causing patterns and sequences of little specks of water to attack and slide down the window in a drowsy and depressing manner. Jiyong was always so certain it was the heaven above crying; because something that beautiful must still have sadness. Theres something about watching the rain which is somewhat bitter sweet. He watches every drop hit the ground a few meters away from him as he sits on the carpet before the balcony opening whist inhaling his joint deeply. Emotionally he felt as if he could connect to the rain falling, knowing that, he almost felt sorry from himself. Grey clouds, he feels as if thats all he ever sees when he looks up at the sky these days. Its becoming tiring. He lets out a sigh before running one of his hands through his sleek hair.  “Ill keep it simple-- Ive just got to have you.” Jiyong closed his eyes remembering the vivid memory of last night. An honest, good man, one slow, delicate moment his deep voice, full of emotion and stability, his eyes full of longing and desire. Jiyongs eyes fluttered open, embracing reality again. With the joint placed securely in his mouth he plays with his rings in a anxious manner. Time passed by, he finishes and puts out his joint; finding his feet he stumbles around the room, finding his bag jacket and phone. He flees.
