Stop and- Stairs!
in which a boy is trying to get away from a messy breakup, but his life seems to flash before his eyes as he loses footing on a set of stairs. Forewordword count; 5k+ (sorry omg i didnt expect it to be this loNG)a lame oneshot based on an even lamer play of words inspired by "stop and stare", day6s go-to cover, that came across my mind in church. :) jaehyungparkian is life oK? :) seeing DAY6 live in toronto was the best day of my life, I actually died. Brian and Sungjin cried at the end of Letting Go, you shouldve heard our fanchants! they chilled at Brians house, went to Niagara Falls, and they ate good food :) JAE WAS SO EXTRA OH MY GOD, theyre exactly how they sound and are during live performances and interviews, theyre so cUTE DAY6 RUINED MY LIFE. ok :) hope you enjoy this crappy oneshot. LOL - Zen