Pregnant by Royal decree
Baekhyun was about to get his dream job restoring an amazing piece of art work. But the piece ended in the hands of a mysterious buyer. Sad about the outcome he took refuge in the hands of a stranger... 2 weeks later Baekhyun finds himself being visited by someone from the royal family stating that his highness had made it a decree for baekhyun to carry his child? ForewordByun Baekhyun was convinced that the entire room where the auction took place could hear his heart about to beat out of his chest.He took a deep breath to try to calm himself and folded his legs under the table. He took a look at his watch, only 10 mins left until all the efforts he has made into reaching his dream came to fruition. But.. why did he feel like his body was about to dissolve into nothing? Baekhyun closed his eyes in an effort to find a logical explanation, while an auction for a Monet was reaching astronomic prices. Yeah thats what it was, even if baekhyun restored artwork, in the world of art where in a night like this art was introduced as money and possession, He was a stranger. He was out of place in the most awaited and prestigious nights in Seoul, in the ballroom of a very fancy hotel he had forgotten the name of. His place was in his small art studio where he brought back the beauty that had faded over the years in amazing art pieces.That was the reason why he could not concentrate, He tried calming himself down while ruining the tuxedo his best friend had lent him for the night. It definitely had nothing to do with Him. Baekhyun noticed when he had arrived and also noticed the symptoms that came along with him. He was not accepting the effects that man had on him, especially when he really did not know who he was. ----- authors note------Hey there guys.. um this is my first time posting a story.. sorry for all the grammatical errors. and i really hope you guys like it. I am open to constructive criticism if you see any errors please feel free to message me. ill try to keep the errors as very little as i can. thank you ^_^Thank you to backtosquareone the poster looks amazing! you guys should check out their shop.