Is this Ture Love or just Puppy love?!

Other 00K Active
Time: 2023-11-03

*I changed the B.A.P.s ages so it could fit the story line.Choi Mikaela(how to say name Mi-ka-ela)/You:15 years old.    You are half Korean(Dad) and half American(Mom). You are cold and shy when it comes to strangers. You love school but this new school you are going to makes you miss America.You moved to South Korea because there was this amazing job opportunity for your parents there. You have bright blue eyes and raven black hair. You are the youngest in your whole new school and you are a first year. Parents are best friends with Choi JunHongs parents. you have no brothers or sisters so everyday your parents are at work you are always alone but you are used to it. When you were young you had an accident that made you forget some of your childhood and best friend Zelo.Choi JunHong/Zelo:15 years old: First year in highschool just like you.    Cute and bubbly. But somtimes shy and cold to you and you dont know why. Maknae of the kingkas. Was the youngest in the whole school but now is 2nd youngest because of you.Bang Yong Guk: 18 years old in senior year of H.S. Can be cold at first but if you get to know him better he is just like a father. Leader of the kingkas Kim Him Chan:18 years old in senior year of H.S.Is very very Hyper and very kind and nice. Really is like a mother sometimes. one of the KingkasJung Daehyun: 17 years old:Food lover and loves cheesecake. He might lokk like the quiet type but he talks so much your eardrums start ringing everytime he talks.Yoo Youngjae:17 years oldIs very smart and likes to point out every wrong thing you do or say. You always find him reading when every you see him.Moon Jongup:16 years old.Loves to dance. He is very akward and quiet, that was your empression of him when you first meet.Park Young Song: 16 years old: first year: your best friend from the past. still your friend.Loves to read and write and listen to music. She was your best friend since primary school. She is a total fashionista and tries to make you wear girly things you do like(You mostly like wearing shorts or pants, which make Korean school even harder for you). Foreword"Mikaela, we are going to South Korea", my mom said to me. "What, when?" I asked surprised I didnt want to leave the world I already knew."Next week we already got packing when you were at school today", she said. "But, Why" I asked. "Your Father and I have this amazing job opportunity", she said. She looked so happy I didnt want to upset her so I went with it and start a new life in South Korea.
