happy together
Author: kaiohtic
Latest: final
Time: 2023-11-03
After his father’s and his new wife’s death, Minseok has to take care of his two-year old half-brother.And as if that is not enough, his ex-boyfriend Sehun reappears in his life in the form of the new neighbor his baby brother has taken a liking to. feat. sehun/xiumingenre: fluff, romancelength: 6k+rating: pg-13 warnings: beware of super cute toddler!jongin with teary puppy eyes.authors note: written for xiuhunation.this version is slightly different from the one originally posted as it is edited in terms of grammar and wording.plots and scenes are the same though.tumblr | ask.fm | twitter | instafollow tumblr for updates on my writing progress!