For Jeon Wonwoo, it was wrong to be with the narsissist drummer Kim Mingyu — And for Kim Mingyu, it was wrong to be with the princess violinist Jeon Wonwoo. They hate each other — Thats obvious. Its complicated; It seems cliche. Or maybe... Just maybe... Two wrongs can make a right. “우리 이제 안녕”“Now goodbye.”“Uri ige anneyong.” preview...(warning: swearing) "Im sorry... But can you have some common sense and stop whistling... Its getting... Irritating..." Wonwoo rolls his eyes, waiting for Mingyus response, but with the older practically hearing the loud drumming through the youngers headphones, he scoffed and yanked both earphones from his ear, clicking his tongue with irritation and loudly saying in his pierced ear, "Stop whistling!" Mingyu stopped, and Wonwoo thinned his eyes as he was walking back to his desk. Instead, the now-pissed male lowly chuckled and turned himself around while kicking up his feet on the desk. "Awh," He tutted, "Is the princess being moody again?" He teased, "Oh let me guess, youre being all emo because youre just better than everyone else, right?" Mingyu smiled evilly, rolling his eyes before theyre placed back on Wonwoo. "No... Im being all emo because you exist in this world." Wonwoo answered, clenching his fist in an attempt to not choke the cocky younger. "Well Im sorry that Im way out of your league, sorry princess." "I have a name." "That makes the both of us — I dont like hearing your name being mentioned to me. Its annoying." "At least this annoying name is known for something than your lazy-drumming ass." "Shut up." "You shut up, princess." "No thank you." "Yes-fucking please." "You bast-" Before Wonwoo could go up to Kim Mingyu and literally choke and murder the boy, their homeroom teacher already entered the room and Wonwoo had no other choice but to sit in his seat before he got in trouble. "Asshole..." Wonwoo said under his breath as he took a seat. Forewordauthors note... |♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|started — Tuesday, 30th May 2017, around 02:00AMended — tba|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|crossposted on wattpad (@jeonwwoo-)|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|• in year♬, month♫, date♪ + time♩•warning: a lot of swearingchapter one: 170530, around 13:50chapter two: 170531, around 2:50chapter three: 170601, around 7:00chapter four: 170602, around 19:00**chapter five: 170604, around 00:30chapter six: 170605, around 00:30chapter seven: 170606, around 00:15chapter eight: 170606, around 22:50chapter nine: 170609, around 00:40chapter ten: 170610, around 18:40chapter eleven: 170611, around 15:35chapter twelve: 170617, around 03:55chapter thirteen: 170618, around 17:50chapter fourteen: 170619, around 23:30chapter fifteen: 170620, around 23:15chapter sixteen: 170625, around 23:20chapter seventeen: 170626, around 23:10chapter eighteen: 170701, around 20:25chapter nineteen: 170726, around 17:40chapter twenty and twenty one: 170807, around 04:10chapter twenty two: 170813, around 14:25chapter twenty three: 170824, around 23:20chapter twenty four: 170828, around 16:20chapter twenty five: 170909, around 22:40chapter twenty six: 171017, around 21:30chapter twenty seven: 171031, around 23:40chapter twenty eight: 180108, around 01:50chapter twenty nine: 180114, around 22:30chapter thirty: 180216, around 00:50chapter thirty one: 180530, around 23:40chapter thirty two: 180603, around 23:20**says 170603 on published because i accidentally deleted the chapter >< (you pabo!!!)|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|sub count (once each new chapter is released):before: 21chapter one: 36chapter two: 53chapter three: 75chapter four: 99 (+1 upvote)chapter five: 112 (+2 upvote)chapter six: 131 (+2 upvote)chapter seven: 146chapter eight: 171 (+2 upvote)chapter nine: 187chapter ten: 201 (+1 upvote)chapter eleven: 227 (+3 upvote)chapter twelve: 240 (+4 upvote)chapter thirteen: 252 (+2 upvote)chapter fourteen: 260chapter fifteen: 290 (+2 upvote)chapter sixteen: 299 (+1 upvote)chapter seventeen: 315 (+1 upvote)chapter eighteen: 346chapter nineteen: 394 (+2 upvote)chapter twenty and twenty one: 414 (+5 upvote)chapter twenty two: 437 (+4 upvote)chapter twenty three: 444 (+1 upvote)chapter twenty four: 456chapter twenty five: 467 (+1 upvote)chapter twenty six: 492chapter twenty seven: 530 (+7 upvote)chapter twenty eight: 548 (+2 upvote)chapter twenty nine: 559 (+3 upvote)chapter thirty: 600 (+4 upvote)chapter thirty one: 608 (+1 upvote)chapter thirty two: xx|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♫|♩170530*02:06 — Well I got this idea like, a week ago. Btw, the title Downpour literally has nothing to do with the story, I was just listening to IOIs Downpour when I got the idea. Please enjoy and support it!!!♩♩170602*00:18 - actually, i might be able to write up chapter four today since im not busy today... (phew) its so nice to just stay in my room all day... ♩♩♩170603*19:28 - its been only five(?)-ish days since i published this fic... and i already have 96 subs and 1 upvote... THANK YOU SO MUCH I AM SO GRATEFUL <333 ♩♫ 170603*14:49 - this is random but my chapters always start with the mention of mingyu what- ♫ 170605*00:54 - its 1am and i have school today why am i still awake♫♩170608*7:07 - happy the8 of jun♫♩♩ 170611*16:50 - yall gonna hate me because im leaving on a cliffhanger. youre welcome :^)♫♩♩♩ 170621*16:31 - OKAY TAKING ONE DAY BREAK TODAY TO PLAN FUTURE CHAPTERS OK LOVE YUU♬♩♫ 170622*22:54 - lol scratch that make that two days im not feeling good mentally h a h a ♬ ♫ 170626*16:47 - i really want to get the next chapter up soon but my sleep is telling me no what should i do- ♬ ♫♩ 170626*19:56 - frick im so sorry that this chapter is a shit ton...♬ ♫♩♩ 170702*16:24 - freaking seokmin singing she didnt love me makes me go vvv angsty,,,♬ ♫♩♩♩ 170703*23:31 - and i sWEAR i was going to write the next chapter today... but i was crying watching dear evan hansen so much i forgot ><♬♩♬ 170708*17:53 - sorry >< ive been stressed all week, so please understand...♬♬ 170802*02:18 - just give it a couple of days, i need to go through editing this fic and yeah^^ i hope youre all doing okay!♬♬♩ 170805*01:23 - wOAH NEW COVER?!?!?! its so ugly tbh my editing skills are cRAP <3 ♬♬♩♩ 170809*18:01 - kokio!!11!11!!!1♬♬♩♩♩ 170814*18:34 - ay 420 blaze it subs whaddup homie♬♬♩♫ 170824*09:30 - HEY LETS FORGET CHAPTER 19 EVERY EXISTED TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE READ IT LMAO IM DUMB OKAY BYE THANK YOU LOVE YOU <3♬♬ ♫ 170824*23:56 - chapter 24 is up and i mean the continuation of the story, not the bonus chapter... so yeah!^^♬♬ ♫♩ 170825*10:39 - 800 unique subs <3 ohmygoodness i feel off my bed ahH recommended songs:(psst... click on the title name!) ♩Adore U, SEVENTEEN (Vocal Unit) — 160508♩♩Dont Listen In Secret, SEVENTEEN (Vocal Unit) —960717♩♩♩Dont Wanna Cry, SEVENTEEN — 160508♩♫ Habit, SEVENTEEN (Vocal Unit) — 970406♫ If I, SEVENTEEN (Hip Hop Unit) — 960717♫♩Lean On Me, SEVENTEEN (Hip Hop Unit) —160508♫♩♩Say Yes, SEVENTEENs DK and SeungKwan — 970406♫♩♩♩Smiling Flower, SEVENTEEN —160508♩♬ Downpour, I.O.I — 000000 past covers: ♩Front + Back: 300517 — 050817 ♩Front + Back: 050817 — 191017 © wonwowie & © eiinaem