d u c k ↪ the opposite of f v c k ( a twitter roleplay ) // JOIN FOR HYPER BYUNTAENESS 24/7 :-) weirdos and hyper abnormal pepur are welcomed ;D C u M J01n U5 naOOooo!11!!
12345 no booking system but you should check for available roles in the masterlist before making the account - the username should be idolnameduck - put @duckroleplay on your bio - be active. inactive for 4 days and well give you a warning. if theres no reply within 24h, youre out - tell admins if you go on h / sh. max. time for hiatus is 4 weeks - no smut on TL but be as byuntae as you can hahahahaha - yaoi / yuri arent allowed, TG allowed - be friendly to all roleplayers, plus respect them. no drama is allowed here. no facechasing, please - english only, and basic korean / mandarin - talking to outsiders is allowed, dating outside is also allowed. marriage allowed after at least a month of dating, however pregnacy is not allowed - limited OOC on TL. however, if needed, use brackets------------------------------------------------↪ CURRENT EVENTSnone atm. well host some events when we reach 50 members. so join us o ↪ the fairy tale of hyper byuntae ducklingshimcum, byunt-ae, boobjo, and hyunass were having a hyper line conversation at 3-5 AM in the morning (for boobjo) and himcum suddenly suggested to make a roleplay. We started cuming up with names and we couldnt decide between BYUNTAE RP (already exists), POOP RP, WHORE RP, ect but then boobjo suggested Fuck RP. Everyone agreed but hyunass and T-ae mentioned that fuck RP would sound like a smut RP so everyone said hey why dont we call it duck RP because its opposite of fuck (makes no sense) and its Byuntae. Also the old admins yoonjo is now minah and old admin hyuna is now bomi. that was how Duck RP was born.unfortunately, the RP slowly died due to reasons, and now its been revamped. the admeans are here to keep it alive! hyper TL 24/7!!!!! plus well give you byuntae names winkwinkwink :-) so why not join us? :-) #byuntaeyolo69squad waiting for ya~~base © Foreword