Vampire High 2- Red Rose

Beast 30K Active
Author: heartcupcake
Latest: A/N
Time: 2023-11-03

Since the day I turned into my true self, a Vampire Angle; the level E’s have been hunting me down for my blood, as it’s the only thing to turn them to normal vampires. Niel vowed to protect me, but im scared.The voices I thought that were once gone have returned, and my visions have become a lot worse. Instead of seeing my past, I know see the future, but all it hold’s is death and blood. Help me~   Foreword Characters B2 ST: Junhyung: your best friend. Has known you since you were 5.Power: fire.He always knows when something is wrong.        Yoseob:  a clumsy boy, that loves to act cute. Treats you like his sister. Protects you know that you are a Vampire Angle  Power: mimic, any power a vampire has he can then mimic.     Doojoon:you’re older brother and a Vampire prince. He is really protective of you now that you’re a Vampire Angle.Power: electricity.    Kikwong:Your best friend, you go to him if Junhyung is busy. He likes to pick on you, but doesnt go too far.Power: earth     Hyunseung:An excited boy who gets happy by little (none) exciting news. He always says the wrong thing at the wrong time.Power: AirDongwoon:Always tries to help Ella now that she is a vampire. He trys to train her so she can use her powers. He is Ellas best friend.Power: He can sense peoples moves before they do it    Hara:your best friend. She always stays by now that you’re a Vampire Angle, as you blood can turn level E’s into normal vampire’sPower: Can move things with her mind.    You Yoon Ella:Not a full vampire. Sister to Doojoon. You were born a vampire, but somehow became human. Your power’s and you Vampire Angel side was released, when the love of your life was dying.Power Air, ice, earth and wind.  Neil:Niel is Ellas boy friend. He never leaves Ella alone, and vowed to protect her with his life. He is sometimes distant, but always loving to Her. .Power: invisibility, blue flam (rare)    Other characters/ groupsTeen Top/ Boy Friend BIG THANKS TO RIKALYNN@ GOING INSANE GRAPHICS FOR MAKING THE BANNER FOR ME!!!  THIS STORY IS ORIGINALLY BY HEARTCUPCAKE.DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RE TYPE OR COPY THIS STORY!
