Project X: The Failed Experiment
They were born human. But before they could even live as one, they were taken. Disappeared from the life they could have had and thrust into one that will forever alter their future and the future of the rest of the world. ForewordThey were once lab rats.Their bodies were used to test out samples of viruses, bacterium, anything the scientists could get their hands on.A scientist by the name of Maxwell Kard was in charge of the whole operation, and he only had one goal. His vision? To create a virus. A plague. Something that could turn an overflowing population into dwindling numbers. Something that no one else had ever seen before. He would unleash this virus into the world, and watch the human population run in fear of an unseen killer. Then, when the world became desperate enough, he would come out of hiding holding a vaccine. A cure to save only those worth saving. He would become a man with power. The project started with 100 of them, test subjects as they were called. All of them were just babies and young children, solely identified by the numbers on the collars of their jumpsuits.One day, a stroke of luck came their way. A meteor crashed onto Earth. It had landed in the middle of the dense forest somewhat near their hidden laboratory, and an exploration team set out to find it. They came back hours later ecstatic.They had found something. The sample of rock they brought back contained something inside. Coincidentally enough, all the scientists on that exploration trip fell ill the next day. In the midst of analyzing what it one of the scientists collapsed on the spot, falling into a coma. He never woke up. Others started to bleed, out of their nose, their ears, their eyes. Their skin would break in multiple places all over their bodies and start gushing out blood. They bleed until their bodies dried out. Some of them had seizures. Their bodies convulsed and foam came out of their mouths. They did not stop until long after their brains failed them. The rest of the exploration team was quarantined. None of them lasted more than 2 days. That’s how he had found it. The sickness. His disease. Now all he needed was the cure, and he would have the whole world at his feet. He studied the discovery himself. It was a type of bacterium. They behaved like nothing they had ever seen before on Earth. Multiplying faster than should be possible. It devoured everything organic it came into contact with. Already seeing the extent of what it could do, he focused on the cure. He tested them all on this remaining 44 test subjects. In the end, he found it. On a modified version of the original bacterium, he found a cure. At this point, only twelve of the test subjects remained.The first one he tested it on almost died, but then, a miracle happened. Thats when the Doctor knew he had succeeded. He proceeded to test the rest of the twelve subjects, perfecting the vaccine and making no room for mistake. All twelve of them survived. Doctor Kard prepared to unleash it onto the world, and his final step was to get rid of the remaining test subjects. He had just injected them with a lethal dose of poison when his lab was infiltrated.Soldiers stormed in and apprehended him. They searched his his lab and took anything they saw. He could only watch as they took away 5 years worth of work. They took it all, except for his cure. Then, he was dragged outside along with the rest of the staff in the facility.Once out, they slapped cuffs around his wrists and put him with the rest of this team.They sat in painful silence as he watched his beautiful lab get ransacked, he saw soldiers carrying out the bodies of the 12 test subjects he had just gotten rid of.Except, they werent dead.Watching wide eyed, he saw one of them sit up and looked at the guards curiously. The Doctors mouth dropped open. He had just killed them, the poison he had injected into them was fatal, not to mention the fact that it was a dosage that could take out a grown man. He had watched as their heart rate dropped and eventually stop. But there they were, all twelve infants slowly waking up like they were asleep instead of dead. Just then, a loud explosion tore his attention away from the test subjects. He turned his gaze to his beautiful laboratory that was now in flames. Soldiers were sprinting through the entrance to escape being trapped by the fire. Miniature explosions continued in the facility as the heat created chemical reactions that could theoretically result in anything. He watched with a breaking heart until he realized with a jolt, the bacterium and the cure. They were still in there. Doctor Kard vowed that day, as he watched smoke rise above the treetops, that he would get his revenge. He would take back what was his and and he would make the rest of the world burn as they bowed at his feet. Authors Note: Hello everyone!!! Its chasing_daydreams here with my first ever story!!This is an EXO story ft. their awesome superpowers.This is also my frst time ever on AFF so please, all you wonderful readers, I would love some feed back.Please, feel free to leave a comment or even message me. Honestly, it doesnt even have to be about this story.I would love to make friends on here too, so a friendly hello would also be very welcomed.Anywho, I hope you enjoy this story. Until next time fellow readers,chasing_daydreams Also, shoutout to novumel for the cover.Guys, this person is awesome, just saying.