bullets to the heart
He is taught a couple of lessons about firing bullets, keeping loyalty, and the integrity of oaths. She learns that the best battles arent fought for the result of glorified winners, but for the people and principles in your life worth risking death for. Song Yuqi’s the academy’s notorious sniper nicknamed Sharp Shooter. Jeon Jungkook’s the new transfer student at Fortem Warrior Academy after being expelled from his previous school.❝snipers of the heart miss only flowers.❞ Foreword || jeon jungkook || song yuqi || academy!auaction, angst, romance, thriller, & friendshipsguest appearances by (g)-idle & bts memberswarning: still in the process of developing characters & full plot b a c k g r o u n d i n f o.In a world where the greed of power has overrun the streets, police officers have fallen victim to corruption, and the government have decided that the only solution to combat the growing crime societies becoming stronger by the day and threatening to throw them all into an era of despair is to re-open the Warrior Academys to train the youth and children in the art of loyalty, justice, and fighting. i n s p i r a t i o n.the originals(more to be added shortly.) s p e c i a l t h a n k s.to sakuretta for the amazing poster & background! authors note:i‘ve been obsessed with the originals lately (i didn’t watch tvd before though). i kinda love their portrayal of familial bonds & their battle tactics/strategies, so i got the idea of an academy that focuses on fighting & training/creating warriors. i was also really salty with the show’s ending- beautifully bittersweet idea, but i think a little more information could have been added.*** note: not every person is selected to attend an academy, you have to demonstrate skills through tests at a young age first. expect action scenes bc they wont be at the academy for the entire plotline. the youth & young children are the ones being trained bc theyre more easily influenced (in terms of mindset), they have time to still learn - easier to digest lessons versus adults. its also unlikely for them to be involved in crime societies unless theyre born into it. pls send me any type of questions via curious cat - i love questions!