Drama 20K Active
Author: queenyjiajia
Time: 2023-11-02

Kim Jongins dead.Im Haeras depressed.Later comes Kai, whose existence is approved only in Haeras imaginary world.And then Kyungsoo pops out, with a genuine heart to take her back to the world where reality takes place.Yes, its not gonna be easy but Kyungsoo, he has to try or else Im Haera will be trapped- forever in her other world. ForewordLots of love, this is for Kyungsoo lovers <3creds to pic owner.  And Kyungsoo is so attractive. (( original title : [OF THE IMAGINARY] ))  ^_^ speacial thanks to Mystic Multi-shop for the awesome, perfect and cool poster + background!!! ♡♡♡♡♡ (Mystic Multi-shop) ♡
