
Fluff 10K Active
Author: yoshies
Latest: Chapter two
Time: 2023-11-02

Lu Han was only at the age of 8, when he was evacuated from the city of London. After his protective parents finally agreed to let him go to a place where he would be safe, and sound. Children were thrilled, they were told that they were going to neverland, where peter pan was, however many was disheartened by the fact of separation front heir parents.Lu Han doubted that this magical place existed, he knew about the war, the bombs, the guns. Everything. Everyone had been talking about it, and he just happened to over hear. Hed never eveb heard of a place called neverland, not in real life anyways, only in fictional books and bedtime stories. He dreaded the thought leaving, being sent away, parting from his beloved older brother, living with strangers for good knows how long. However he had to go. He had to leave. When Britain declared war with Germany, in the first four days of September 1939, nearly 3,000,000 people, mostly children, were evacuated from towns and cities in danger from enemy bombers to places of safety in the countryside.He was sent to a small village in Cornwall, a rural area with many friendly faces. His host family, lives in a homely coble stone house, fairly far from the school that hell be attending.The house hold consists of loving parents, both very welcoming and kind, and one introverted and arrogant child, about his age, who rarely talks without being spoken to. The first time his family introduced themselves, the boy just glanced at him blanklessly and rolled his eyes. Lu Han was cute, he had  pretty blond hair that frames his face, a cute button nose, plump red lips and big hazel eyes. Who wouldnt love him? He was sweet, kind, he shares with everyone, never pulls tantrums, always helps. Why?They shared everything. A house, a room, a bed, a school, a bathroom, everything. They would even be seated next together in school, in every class, on the bus and on the dinner table. ForewordErmm hi...This was story on my old account...
