His Rival
Her crush just tell her that he somehow hate one of her classmate. What to do? Be the good friend and dissing her classmate together, or do the even-better-one? Be the classmate’s girlfriend and let’s see what how will her crush react? ForewordShe wasn’t an ugly girl, nor the most beautiful girl. She’s the girl who will eventually get prettier the more you know her. She has one of the most kind and innocent heart. Wasn’t trying to make her your perfect heroine but that what it’s seem. What her friends see. But if someone try to dig deeper, she do buried a lot of things.She’s Kang Jieun.The smarty-pants is on your way. Having a really nice grade wasn’t his only goods. He’s quite rich, good at sport, and the most important one, he’s damn good looking. Another flawless heroin you think? Wait ‘til you talk to him and realize how shitty and show-off he is. Girl still setting their eyes on him though, he’s still a catcher no matter what. And…she’s one of them.Meet her crush, Kim Jongin.Then came him. The not-so-smart but not dumb. He was somehow a male version of you. Have been goofing around the school since day one makes him the one who have most friends around the school. He can just greet them and leave (even though they never talk before). He’s quite a catcher if you miss the fact that he can just start to dance anywhere while making weird faces. He was damned hyperactive and can’t stay still even in class.Hello to Jackson Wang! Everything stared two years ago on the 8th grade. Jieun’s crush that was actually started from a joke with one of her best friend, Doyeon, developed. They started with fangirling over him. Calling him a perfect boy and giggling every time they conversed. Doyeon had moved, but Jieun heart decides to stay.Then came 9th grade where Jieun luckily got the same class with Jongin, her crush. She can see him (watching his every move was what actually is but it sound super inappropriate) every day. They were quite close actually. As a friend. Then he had a crush on another girl. The whole class rooted for them. And Jieun can just watch the in envy. Jieun graduate and so do Jongin.10th grade was a whole different story. They were both a high school student. Thankfully still in the same school. Jieun still has a lil’ bit crush. And Jongin still see her as one of his closest girl friend. What will happen?