Dear Chingu

Sad 00K Active
Author: Kaendi
Latest: 07/06/14
Time: 2023-11-02

My online Diary to 내 가장 친한 친구Kris is  in the beginning stages of his law suit against SM and has moved away from EXO in his own apartment. He writes diaries to his best friend, or rather lover, that expresses all his emotions about being separated from him that he could not say out loud. He cant say it out loud because of a certain person standing in his way. His enemy. His "friend" that keep him away from best friend. Will Kris get his best friend back?Will Kris tell Tao about his love? Will Tao accept him or will he find love elsewhere?Will their friendship stay the same?Will Kris win the lawsuit against SM? If he does or doesnt, what will happen? So this is based on a true story- 2 true stories but merged together.Written in a fanfic that fits the Exo crisis happening currently. Some things will be changed (like dates or ages of characters) to fit my storyline more! :D Sorry if it confuses you. Kris: 21Tao:21Chanyeol:23Yongguk: 21Lay: 20     One Day I hope you read this, but not too soon. ForewordI am matter, but I am nothing to youI am nothing, but I matter to you
