Flashbacks 5yrs ago,U.S.A (2012/08/19)Yuju was preparing herself to go to her college but she stop her action when she heard a faint baby voice. She learn that voice clearly and found its a crybaby voice. She immediately hearing to her door house to find that source of that voice.Once she opens the door,she got shock when she saw theres a basket was in front her door frame. She look around to find the owner of that basket but she cant see anybody there. She bent down to take a look at what in that basketAnd her eyes wide open when she saw the contains in that basket. Theres a baby newborn was in it,the baby body still has a stain of blood. Yuju take out that baby out and put it in her arms"Omo,whos is that cruel person who willing throw a cute baby like U" she cooing the baby when shes start crying"Sush....Dont cry baby,omo,what should I do..." Yuju swinging her arms try to stop that baby tears but she still didnt stop. Just then she saw something like letter in that basket,she bent down and took it To the owner of this house, Im sorry at first place bcoz put my baby in front of your house. I just dont know what to do with her,I give her to U and I hope youll take care of her but if U found that baby was just troubling U,U can just throw her away. I dont mind,but if youre decide to take care of her,please take care of her nicely and dont worry. Ill not come and take her back in future. U dont have to tell her about me so that shell not try to find me once shes grow up. I think thats all what Im gonna say. Thank U and Im sorry if Im troubling U Yuju finished read that letter and stare at the baby lovingly,the baby has stop crying and currently sleep in Yujus arm. She just stare at her face"Sorry for say this but your mom is an idiot,she ask me to just throw U away. Tsk! Im not that cruel, and Im gonna raise U up. Youll be my baby girl and Ill be your mama ok?" Yuju ask that baby as if that girl was listen to herYuju just smile at that baby with warm smile. She dont know why but she somehow feel calm when stare at that baby face,especially during shes sleep. "Ill take care of U baby,thats my promise. And lets go and meet your grandpa and grandma,Im sure theyll love U for sure" Yuju whisper to that baby and plant a soft kiss on her small head"From now on,your name is Umji, Choi Umji" Yuju smile warmly ForewordHey,wassup! Its me again,and this time Im taking some break from writing about SinJu >_< and if youre curious about why I put Umji as a title,lets found it on my FF *wink*But as U guys know,Ill maybe cant complete this FF in a month or two bcoz Ive to stay focus on my study but Ill promise to complete this FF for sure! KekekeHope U guys will support me ^_^