You Will Bloom

Angst 50K Active
Author: Sl7ven
Time: 2023-11-02

Hello, everybody~! Back again with another story Im addicted and this time Im trying my hand at writing a request~! Special thanks to my homie because Im writing this Yoongi fic thanks to *drum roll* gabi0um! I hope you like it, Im going to try my very best!! <3 (Inspiration also comes from "So Far Away" because of course that song is beautiful and amazing and 100% gold)—He was beautiful, but he was broken. Im not sure he knew what he was doing anymore, and it looked like he was capable of self-destructing at any moment. He wasnt aware of it, but he still had his wings, and like any mere mortal, I was drawn to him.I was ensnared. ForewordThe very first time that I saw him in person was in an alleyway behind the building he visited frequently to relax after a tense day at work. He wasn’t alone, so I tried as best I could to walk along calmly, my hands in my jacket pockets, my shoulders hunched as if I was trying to cave in on myself. I was very thankful that my hood was drawn so my face wouldn’t be seen; as introverted as I was outside of practice, I didn’t want to be identified, and having put up my hood earlier came to be a great idea. My plan to go unnoticed failed, though, because I was struck by his unique beauty, and also because I couldnt believe it was actually him. This made me freeze up and stare like a child admiring a sweets shop. Stepping out of the backdoor, he descended a couple steps, hopping lightly, his shoulders bobbing, his face looking down and away from me. The sweep of unusually colored hair swayed slightly over his eyes, hidden behind lids nearly sealed, eyelashes splayed over delicate cheekbones. He was handsome and refined, and he looked mellowed out. The boy behind him, his escort, couldn’t quite hold my attention well enough, and this was because I was too riveted by the first young man that had exited. As if my feet were nailed to the ground, I stood there, watching. Then he finally looked up and I came to know why he was so calm-looking—his pupils dilated, the whites of his eyes pink, he stared right through me.The boy behind him was a handful of inches taller than he was, if not a whole head, his smile kind but sad when I got a good look at him, the two of us noticing each other at the same time. He bowed his head slightly in apology and mumbled an “Excuse me,” then led the first boy away. I watched their retreating figures, staring at their backs, and could not for the life of me move from my spot until they were gone from my sight.After that encounter, I couldn’t forget about the boy that was so beautiful and so wrong with his red, dilated eyes. I could not forget the expression of the other boy, the sad smile that couldn’t quite brighten his eyes. I saw them often enough in the media, and on the posters that adorned the walls of the company building I practically lived in, but I never got to see them in person because they were always busy, or because I was occupied with my own training, so I found myself visiting that alleyway every night on my way home from the company, hoping to catch another glimpse of that boy with the surreal beauty, the boy that was not shown to the public. I thought I’d never see him like that again, but my hope never let me give up.It proved effective to be tenacious, but whether it was a good thing or a bad thing...
