Child Propose
Hyunseung’s mom says that when Hyunseung grows up later in the future, he should have a wife, whom not just pretty in the face, but also her heart as well. ForewordDid I need to find a life-partner too mom?Oh yes, of course. Everyone had to had a life-partner.Why?Because God, has settled it for us.Really? Then I should be had a life-partner too!Of course.But, how could we find them? They are hard to find.Hyunseung frowns as he felt a hand placed on his chest softly.This, which will guided you, onto finding them.Woah! Cool! I want a pretty life-partner then!Not just pretty Hyunseung-ah, but the one who also have a beautiful heart. Mom, I had found a life-partner which you always told me before I went to sleep.She’s beautiful, no. more than that. he’s really beautiful. more than anything which existed in this world.A-and mom, he had a very beautiful heart too. just as you ever told me before I went to school yesterday. his heart was really, really beautiful. more than anything I could describe.Mom, I think I had found it. The life-partner which you always told before I went to sleep. The life-partner which you always told me before I went to school. The life-partner which you always told me when I was sitting on your lap. The life-partner which you always told mer everytime. Do you want to know what his name is Mom?Okay, but don’t laugh at me. His name is .. Yong Junhyung. Taeyang_Wedding Dress A/N : Okaaay! Another different Junseung fics from me, tehee.Aah, I’m so embarrassed. I even wasn’t finishing my other stories but what’s this?! I even posted a new story, haha. And oh, Ill complete this story at night anyway ^^Have a good read everybody! love you all! ^^