
Sliceoflife 00K Active
Author: melonxlove
Latest: Polaroids
Time: 2023-11-01

Seuls feeling guilty about yelling at Sunwoo believing him to be lazy and disobedient. Instead, she finds out that hes been working diligently by taking photos during their preparation for the schools festival. Forewordthis one was recent, not that long ago. remembering to share it before i forget. lol this is another TBZ member and my sister and i havent really establish who are biases yet as we do like them, but dunno who it is that we actually bias. so its the whole group like always anyways. XD but yeah happy reading~-The story within this account of [StayTheB] is a work of Fiction. The events and characters are fictional or out of character, and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends.-© [StayTheB] 2019. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of [StayTheB].
