TOMORROW : Phantom of the Past
Sena had lost everything. Everything she ever cared, everything she ever loved. She moved on, put all the memories as pieces of secret, keep it for herself.But then they come back, turn her life upside down. "This is the end of Earth.""This is NOT the end of us." ∞∞∞ ForewordStory Title : TOMORROWAuthor : InfinityRhapsodylBeta-reader : YehellnoEditingDate Started : Dec 2nd, 2014Date Ended : --:: Characters ::Choi SenaA genius doctor and scientist whos currently living in Colony 7.She have two younger brothers, Tao and Zelo. Engaged to the leader of Colony 7. Suho.Was born with name Kim Joonmyeon, changed his name because that is how people of Colony 7 showing theyre starting new life. The current leader of Colony 7, earned that position due to his services during The Civil War. L.Was born with name Kim Myungsoo, he changed it and not allowing other people calling him that name (though some still do). Hello, this is Infi. Im so into post-apocalyse story these days. I dont know, maybe because most films I watched recently were all about post-apocalyptic and stuff. That movies (and series) gave me inspiration about this story. And well, yeah, I also want to try something new. I always been into applyfic, and Id like to try some other genre. Im hoping that I can make it this time. Anyway, please bear with my terrible English. Im trying my best. Talk to me, I really appreciate it.. I will reply every comments ^^ - InfiMy special thanks for YehellnoEditing for help me editing this story, especially because English isnt my first language. Yay! => Poster & Background Credit to 00k88k from=> Second poster & background by AnneOnym from Spotlight Posters => Advertisement credit:Reviewed by kreview from ❂ The Forgotten Phoenix ❂ Review + Advertisement Shop : Grade BReviewed by Otakushahrina from Ideas! Everything Shop : Grade B+Reviewed by REBEL4LIFE from L.Kim Advertisement & Review Shop : Grade B+Reviewed by dhaatk from BLKs Review Shop : 83 pointsP.S.If youre wondering whos the girl I use as Senas faceclaim, its Aoi Yu. Yeah, shes Japanese and Sena is basically Korean. But I think her features matches Sena a lot. So yeah.Another characters will be reveal in the chapter they appeared for the first time. I think it will help you understand the story.A gently reminder : many idols will appear, some of them doesnt exist in this universe, some of them probably died, some of them would eventually die in the story. Dont say I didnt warn you, okay? Disclaimer :None of the pictures here belong to me.I only own the idea of the story, any kind of plagiarism would be taken legal action.. Rated M for language and some violences.