Graphic 10K Active
Author: wanieythopia
Time: 2023-11-01

◊Status◊[ OPEN  | CLOSE  | BUSY | UNDER.CO ]-wanieythopia  is now busy---​______________________________________________________________◊EnchantedInveigle◊____________________________________________________________-Living like a wonderland-               EnchantedInveigle:  is made for people who need a perfection. Just forget real life and fly in the wonderland. We provide Poster, Animated Poster, Background, Banner and Character Chart  .EnchantedInveigle: Shop activities is made for you to skip the chapter. 000-Main Page001-Designers Profile002-OnTae_Lover for Christmas Farewell003-Calling ItsMeLOL for My Boyfriend Is A Gumiho004- AveryPark for Can you hold me tight forever 005- Luhansperf forThe ice princess & the 12 princes  006-Teentopz for When It Happens007- Eunteukey15 for My Boyfriess Bestfriend008- infinety for We Love You Kim Myungsoo!009- Ljoeeey for Last Farewell010-Exoticskris for Magical Palace Request Shop011-Yoochun1 fan for Dont Let Go Of My Hand!012-Alwaysbetheb2st for The Plane Flies High013-Ontae_lover for Once Upon A Fairy Tale014- KpopLifeMusic for Trust Me015- applecherry and AngelicWings         EnchantedInveigle: Poster Form is easier way to write down the detail of the poster[Please click the picture]      EnchantedInveigle: Rules is made to discipline people, it gave benefits to everybody .    Subscribe, So that we know who are you  001If You already request from another shop,  request here are forbidden  002 Please credit Enchanted Inveigle Graphic Studio 003Let us know if you already submit the form by comment.  004 feedback needed to just let us know if you already pick up  005you can ask for re-do and we will re-do it or make a new one   006 no bashing or sort  007HQ picture please, and make sure no-half heads or verticle-Half-body picture. New Picture COMING  008Please do.not.unsubscribe  009 To make sure you have read this rules,There is a password. the question are provided in last question in form.  010P/W Question: Name one of BTOB member?  011    EnchantedInveigle:Be our affiliates and fly together in Wonderland[Comment your shops link at the comment below] 001-   ♡ ( koko-berry café ¦    002- —♕ J A N U S designs┊003-❅ E n t i c i n g Perfection004.. CHAGIMADU & FRIENDS GRAPHIC REQUEST SHOP005--「` milkmaid パレード • ♡」café
