When Night And Day Become One

Romance 50K Active
Author: iHeart-u
Time: 2023-11-02

When Jiyeons family settles down permanently in a town far from the city, she meets a boy who makes it his purpose in life to make hers miserable. Or so she thought.     Foreword  A/N: August 22, 2019 update: This story is also on WATTPAD. LINK HERE. + turned the story to subscribers only today and changed the font size of all chapters.The old poster which is on the bonus chapter was made by kimxbb@fatefuldreamer . I made a new one that would actually reflect some aspects of the story. Tell me if you spot them. ;DReviews:For the first 3 chapters  from  Pabo Advertisement ♔Review  ♔ Recommendation  by RainOnRoses. Thanks!From A Thousand Memories Review and Poster Shop by Haengbog. Thanks!
