You and I, Together

Kyuhyun 30K Active
Author: KRPfanfics
Time: 2023-11-02

SNSDs Yuri, and Super Juniors Kyuhyun have always been friends, but do that want to be more then friends? ForewordTitle: You and I, TogetherAuthor: Kyuna (Kyuhyun), Aoiare (Yuri)Genre: RomancePairing: Kyuhyun/YuriRating: PG-13??Summary: SNSDs Yuri, and Super Juniors Kyuhyun have always been friends, but do that want to be more then friends?Trailer:  Disclaimer: The character is not ours, just the plot.Edited by: mikimika101, muffiainen, Kyuna, YoonieA/N: This is an older roleplay from back when we were called KMafialiveif youre interested, please join us and lets play RP in KRPfanfics
