
Fluff 00K Active
Author: sogogikr
Latest: fin
Time: 2023-11-02

Title: missionsPairing: Chanyeol/BaekhyunRating: PGWarning/s: poorly written fluff, unbetaedSummary: Chanyeol does a mission, and Baekhyuns not too happy about it. ForewordA/N — Okay so this came out earlier and they were doing missions and when Chanyeol was asked to backhug the member hes closest to, HE BACKHUGGED KYUNGSOO OMFG MY DREAMS ARE SHATTERED WHAT HAPPENED TO LAW OF THE JUNGLE SDJSKFJSKFJS I AM SO ENRAGED I WANT TO KILL A COW and this was born. terribly sorry. terribly unbetaed.

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