I Loved You, Do You Love Me?
KRIS = Its been 15 years since Ive seen her. 10 years since shes passed away"Amber?" I called "Yes, Daddy." she replies. Here is my pride and joy. My little girl Amber. AMBER = Ive never forgotten his face, 15 years, and he still, in my heart."Amber will you marry me?" I stare at the man on his knees. "Yes, Myungsoo" Im sorry heart, but its time to get over him now. MYUNGSOO = 12 years I was heart broken. then 3 years ago I met her again. And she has changed. I promised myself that she will be mine. And now, here she is accepting my ring"Thank you Amber." I slipped the ring on her finger. I could tell that who ever had her heart 15 years ago was still there. But I am not going to lose to who ever it was. I LOVED YOU, DID YOU LOVE ME? ForewordHey everybody, As promised I have started the sequal to I love You, Do You Love Me? As you can tell something has happened during those fifteen years. If this is the first time you have seen this and are going What the fugde??" I think you should read the first book, then you would go. Ahh, thats what this is about ANNNNNNYYYYYWWWWWAAAAAAAYYYY back onto the story ENJOYbyebye