The Great Circus, aptly named, was home to Jinki for as long as he could remember. Then, it became home to a strange boy that had happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Home meant security and comfort and as time passed, they became home to each other.What Jinki doesnt know is that his home was not always what it appeared to be. What Jinki knows is only the tip of the iceberg... ForewordHello dear reader! XDWelcome to this new adventure Im starting! It will be short, but I hope it leaves you satisfied! This started out as a oneshot idea from a dear friend, purplepotatoes, but of course, it grew. Just a bit.. :) I hope you enjoy this. I might be a little late with the continuation though as I am having exams... Thank you for your interest and time! :)Have a great day ahead!!! <3