
Ljoe 30K Active
Author: omgith
Time: 2023-11-02

Im sort of just testing my writing abilities? So its going to suck . But its awesome xD. Wowith...this is like the only good thing Ive written...Probably for two reasons : 1. Its BL. 2. Its a fanfic~ Ive never written either until now....YAY. ;3. Omg...All TeenTop fans should listen to them singing and performing "candy o.o...Its so ...cute ... and just like...creepily colorful xD.~Anyways~Yay its done~!!! :D-like a month later- The ending is sad, I guess. really did end stupidly =\________~ One Year Later ~No. No. No. no, no. I hate this story. It is written terribly. I hate it. If youre going to read any of my fanfics, dont read this one. Go stalk my other stories. My newer ones. Cause this one is horrible.Carry on.  ForewordUh... *doesnt really know what to write here* >.>....Niel and Chunji are just in their members house (because they live together) and all the members are out doing random stuff... xD.
