Songs of the Waves | One-Shot

Oneshot 00K Active
Author: RaisonDetre
Time: 2023-11-02

They stand there, two tiny figures facing the grand, vast ocean, the rain lashing at their faces, the winds whipping at their heels. The waves below them crash violently into the sheer face of the cliff, smothering the jagged rocks, who are gasping for breaths of air between the stormy foam.   Baekhyun feels Chanyeol’s warm fingers under his chin to lift his head up to the meet the other’s gaze. His lips quiver and it seems he has lost his voice long ago.  But they don’t need words.  Love doesn’t have words. ForewordJust a very very very short one-shot.  Inspired by the song Im Forbidden by Thanh Bui
