but i just fall in love with you

Angst 10K Active
Author: kyuuuuuuuuuu
Time: 2023-11-02

kyuhyun came to the hospital because he began to experience headaches and see some visions, Sungmin is the nurse that treats him  No one believes the kyuhyun claims except sungminWhat causes the headaches and the visions kyuhyun suffers from? plese comment and subscribe  A TWO SHOT STORYI am not good at description sorry ^^the idea came to me as cuse i wached to much greys anatomy episides in one day XD so i hope you will enjoya big thankyu to my adopted daughter katya ♥ for correcting the first chapter   Foreword  As they parted duo lack of oxygen Sungmin heard kyuhyun confessing almost whispering “I think Im in love with you"  Sungmin, we got the latest test results of the patient from room 137 and i thought it might interest you" He looked worried"I have good news and bad news, what do you want me to start first?""I - I think the good news""The good news is that he is not crazy," siwon said, and pausedWhat are bad news" Sungmin urged him to continue ""The bad news is…. "What are the bad news?" Sungmin Shouted
