The SongKim Epic

Minwoo 10K Active
Author: songkim2020
Latest: Seoul
Time: 2023-11-02

An ongoing SongKim epic. I just keep adding as more SongKim goodness come in.Chapter 1: Seattle - DONEChapter 2: San Franisco - DONEChapter 3: Her (Mino POV) - DONEChapter 4: Her (Jinwoo POV) - DONESequel: ForewordChapter 1 was inspired by this scene from the Seattle concert: and describes SongKim from Hoonys perspectiveChapter 2 is a throwback to some of the best SongKim moments from Minos perspectiveChapter 3 is a the story behind Minos song HerChapter 4 (END) is the end of this series but will post more SongKim content using the same timeline. Will stick to one shots this time since Im unable to update regualrly :)Sequel:
