Love of My Life

Donghae 90K Active
Author: beastless
Time: 11 month ago

Did you believed that brother-sister relationship will be last longer if it come from two person that didn’t have any related blood? I doubt it.There’s possessiveness, care, desire and the worst of all is LOVE. You can’t resist love.And it all ruined if you didn’t realize your true feelings from the beginning.What if there’s actually love of your life and it’s too late to realize your feelings? Can you win her back? ForewordThere is so much life everywhere, there’s so much flowers, so much stars nowadays. But why you always be the most bright for me. You distracted me from everything, bring my eyes to where were you be. Like a magnet, you’ll drag me everywhere.Sometime I feel too tired to hope. I exhausted. Everything I do seem to be useless to bring you back to me. Just turn your head, look at me directly and feels my presence, please… bring me back to life. Come back to me.~Donghae~ I always try to hope in the beginning, but it seems like fate was never on my side. I lost so much love even when I was a child. Ive always relied on other people at first, hope that they would share me their affection. But when my own mother leave us. Abandoned me. Leaving me alone with my father, it seems like all my hopes smashed into pieces. It broke me too much. And I’m too young to feels that pain, am i?My father isn’t a warm typical person. Don’t get me wrong, he is a responsible person, he always take a good care of me, and wish the best for his own daughter. He just doesn’t know how to show his affection. He was not used to it.But in the end I learned that I’ll reach my love and happiness by my own hands. Just by myself. I’ll try to be strong. I’ll try not to depends on others anymore. I called Him Yoona for a thing, isn’t?But what if I met someone with overflowing love and care. He looks like someone who have all the love around him. Like sparkle.It makes me scared. I’m afraid if I fall for him, he’ll broke me again. But can I resist him? ~Yoona~I was born in an educated family. My father is in the education business and owns a school. And my mother also runs an art academy. It’s strict family actually, but I used to it. Grew up in that kind of a family, makes me had such a system over everything. I know for sure to what I headed for, I know exactly what I want. It’s not like I’m arrogant or strict. I  just have my own standard. Have my own taste. My own quality. And if i want something, I’ll make sure that Ill get what I want.And that thoughts is included my definition of what a woman should be. Pretty, have a good manner, calm, elegant and smart. If you ask me, maybe Seohyun is the closest to my standard. She has everything that every woman should be.But thats just my thought at the beginning. Before I met her.There’s a girl that destroyed all the brains system that I’ve build. She definetly not like an ordinary girl. A girl shouldn’t be like that, it makes me mad, it boiled my blood at first.But this girl have her own aura. She’s dazzling. She always make me drowned in her gorgeous eyes.I don’t want any other girl. She’s the first girl who make me feel this way. Please be mine.~Kyuhyun~   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi... This is my first fanfic. English is not my primary language, so please forgive me if you find so much mistakes. Enjoy ^^
