one last cry
One last cry before he leaves everything behind. Just one last cry before he puts those shattered memories out of his mind. He promises that this will be the last. ForewordOne last cryBefore I leave it all behindI gotta put you out of my mind this timeStop living a lieI guess Im down to my last cryCry...-brian mcknights one last cry- hello! so ive decided to publish another fic and this time its yusol. im also a yusol shipper. i badly want to make yusol fics but i just cant get the right prompt for them. but now, i finally found one. this story is very angsty and there are so many dramas. im warning you guys. lmao. expect gramatical errors and a lame plot because im kpophilia and i have the lamest plots in the world. anyway, hope you all like this. lets start spreading the yusol craze! note: will be updated once im in the condition. awesome poster and background made by lilbitch from milk graphics! thank you so so so much! c: