Shades of Periwinkle
Ice wars…It all started when Ice Princess Jessica Jung broke her leg in a special figure skating competition.Her sister Krystal Jung took over her place to prevent her biggest rival in figure skating Kwon Yuri to take her crown.Krystal unintentionally got in between Yuri and her boyfriend, star hockey player Choi Minho.As she and Minho drifted apart, Yuri found comfort in the most unlikely person possible: another popular hockey player and Minho’s opponent in ice hockey, Yoo Ah In, who doesn’t really get along well with Yuri in the first place.Minho was stuck between his growing feelings for Krystal and his loyalty to Yuri and his team mate/buddy Lee Junho, who also likes Krystal.Meanwhile, Kim Hyoyeon, another figure-skater, likes Junho and so she tries getting Minho and Krystal together. She seeks help from her skating partner and a cousin of the Jung sisters, Jung Yonghwa who is constantly at war with the female partner of their most competitive opponent, Seo Joo Hyun.Seo Joo Hyun hates Yonghwa’s guts while she is quite fond of her best friend who is the grandson of the owner of the city’s biggest skating rink, where most of ice competitions are held, and where most skaters go to train and practice. His name is Lee Jonghyun and he is quite a charmer, except that he couldn’t charm the one girl he likes, Im YoonA.Im YoonA is another opponent of Krystal and Yuri in women’s figure skating. She had been crushing on Yoo Ah In and she constantly brushes off Jonghyuns attempts to get close to her, thinking that he is not on her level.Now, YoonA ignores Jonghyun because she has a crush on Ah In, who secretly likes Yuri who loves Minho (at first), who starts to fall for Krystal, who also falls for Minho but entertains Junho, who is liked by Hyoyeon, who is Yonghwa’s partner, who hates (but secretly likes) Seo Hyun, who hates Yonghwa back and is fond of Jonghyun, who likes YoonA. Hi everyone!Dizzy yet?Sorry if I deleted the old Shades. Oh, I dont know if readers will like this one better (I do hope so) but I have more inspiration to write this one, although this would get a little crazy and if I do this wrong, confusing.Main couples would be:MinstalYongseoJunhyoLeeJonghyunxYoonAAhInxYuriMinors would include:BikyoHaesicaTaelliJongnaKhuntoria Foreword Krystal glanced briefly around, noting the twinkle of lights and the almost audible hush on the crowd. Her eyes then trained on the stretch of white before and a few feet below her, to the tiny figure in silver, moving across it.It was her sister, twirling and dancing and just simply dazzling the crowd as she made the most of the moments given to her to reign the ice.Krystal felt pride surging through her, coupled with a hint of envy. It was her sister’s dream…and hers as well, though it was once upon a time.She tried to focus more on the pride she felt as she closely watched Jessica’s graceful movements. Suddenly, with one turn and in a split of a second, Krystal realized something went wrong. She watched as Jessica’s legs twisted and bent in an unnatural angle, her body losing its precise stance.Krystal abruptly stood up, her eyes wide.“Unnieee!”She screamed and stumbled her way down the bleachers filled with people as she saw Jessica’s body crumple in a heap on the ice, her face contorted in pain.