Our Loves,Lifes and Friendship
Hello All, i’m Dee..^^And i want to tell you about this story kkkkeeeThis story about Kwon Yuri, yes Kwon Yuri SNSD MemberSexy black pearl, Sexy goddess, Irrestible girl and,of course a girl with charming smile (sorry i cant help my self for fangirling >,< LoL)this story about her life as snsd,about all her sister i mean the rest snsd memberand about her love life...humz we can say that as a secret love or one side love with someone......(secret>.<)kkkee but i think all royal shipper will already know who’s the girl kkkkee ^^so just see it later in the story if you still curious who’s the girl kkkkeeand this story will involve taeny and yoonhyun as minor couplefor all reader, this is my first story and i dont really know about this whole thingsso please forgive me if you find a mistake, like gramatical eror etc, because english is not my first languange ^^Feel free to read and put some commend if you can,i’ll really apreciate it if u put a commendbecause your commend will give me support and i’ll know whats wrong with my story. I think thats enough...so lets enjoy Ps: my motivation to made this fanfic is my dear friend...thanks for always supporting me and thanks for everything boo this is for you^^ muachhhhhh saranghaeyo and i hope you like my story Happy reading all ^^ ForewordSnsd now in their MBC program for theirnew comeback with“ 5TH ALBUM I GOT A BOY “ “ come on guys!! Smile ^^ this is ourNew comeback, all sowons must be really crazyWaiting for our comback, kkke”Yuri said to the other girls “ yeah yul right,but very narcistic xixiixiBut i hope sowon will always standing beside usAnd support us too,>.< so this is our new song we have toShow them our best performance”Tae said to the other girls too “ fighting, fighting wait for us sowon” JIGEMEUN SO NYUH SHI DAEAPPRUDO SO NYUH SI DAEYEONGWONHI SO NYUH SI DAEAll the girl shout