Seven years ago you met Taekwoon for the first time, and thankfully he didnt murder you.He was your housemates boyfriend, but youd be lying if you said you hadnt had a crush on him.Time passes and lives change. You never know what cards you are going to be dealt.Now all these years later, your paths cross again under different circumstances.Can anything ever be perfect? ForewordHello! Im Novel Jae Leigh :)Ive never understood how people can fall alseep instantly at night - I have to act out a story in my head for at least half an hour before I enter dreamland. Personally, I was rather enjoying the ongoing bittersweet drama in my head, and so I have decided to share it with the rest of you! I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for reading! Please subscribe & comment :)PLEASE RESPECT ME AS A WRITER AND DO NOT PLAGIARISE ANYTHING I HAVE WRITTEN! PLAGIARISM WILL BE CAUGHT AND DEALT WITH EFFECTIVELY AND ACCORDINGLY!