Husband Wanted!

4minute 00K Active
Author: Neko1996
Latest: Final
Time: 2023-11-01

Hyuna panics and blurts out that she is her enemy! In the heat of pressure she took the chance and now she has to take her “husband” to the UK with her so they can both attend Hyuna’s best friend’s wedding and meet her parents at the same time.Yay! My 4minute Summer Project #1 is here! Yay baby! Hope you will subscribe and leave a comment.If you dont know about my 4minute Summer Project you can find out about them HERE!Anyway, leave a comment and subscribe and Ill post the first chapter as soon as I get a fe subscribers and comments! Bye! Foreword“Ugh...fine. I’ll help you” he finally gave in.“Good...” Hyuna said.“I hope you understand I’m not helping you but this will benefit me” he said.“Yeah” she replied coldly.“Which falling for each other and no slip that one”
