Gonna Love Me!
Author: xo_cube_xo
Latest: Its okay
Time: 2023-11-02
Hello guys! This is my 2nd fanfic. Actually the original character was Jang Geun Suk. I saw JKS in my dream as he fell in love with me...But then I changed it to Baekhyun (He is my tiny miny precious bias :D) .I didnt understand anything from my really short dream so I just imagine and wrote this fanfic. Hope you like it! :)This story about a normal girl (you) who knows Baekhyuns childhood and a boy (Baekhyun of course!) who is in love with the girl. Who knows what happened ? :D xoxoP.S: I added fog effect on pic so you can put yourself near Baekhyun (You see, English is not my first language, if I wrote something wrong sorry!) :) Thanks in advance ForewordNoona, one day youre gonna fall in love with me...