She got me crash & burn
"Hey angel you duh s e x y~" They cooed as they stepped closer and closer towards him."No.." his eyes looked at them with fear. "NOOOOO!!!!!""Oppa ddak nae style~" they cooed again.He pulled a face. "But you not MY style...." ForewordHey WarriorBABYz here!:D Welcome to our very first story~~~ As you can see it is maybe, might be, mostly likely be, a crack fic.However lets get out some warnings.Drama is usually easier to write so we are both used to writing that when bored and very emotional.However this is just a go~ Youll understand.And there will be swearing offensive langguage. Dont read it youll get offened and dont hate us. Also to us the first chapter seemed very serious. "Why so serious." We did not know. :D it just came out that way. "Baby I was born this way."Anyways we hope you enjoy this fic. And be like. "Wow Fantastic Baby."Well be seeing you in reminders and stuff in the story. (If you read it <3) Soo..."Well be back~" P.S. If we get enough suscribers we will consider about drawing the WHOLE story. Yeah thats right baby Draw! SCORESo tell your friends, tell your neighbours, tell your family(jks) , tell you teacher, tell your country (jks) about this story <3 :D Here are some drawings (left to right, Lee Taeyeon, Yung Jieun) Also other pics (close ups)JieunTaeyeon Hey guys PLEASE respect us as an average author.No no with the copy and paste, repost or download. For BOTH stories and the pictures.The pictures are all drawn by an warriorBABY. PS since this is shared account this is how you tell whos who.warriorHero (:D in charge of most things in the story even mad all dis writing)warriorSIDEKICK (the one that draws and helps writing and duh ideas!)Oh btw yes yes we go the "hey angel your duh sexy" from my chonny :P disclaimer to his awesomeness~