
Fantasy 10K Active
Author: Leskig
Latest: Hunger Drama
Time: 2023-11-02

This is a fantasy oneshot.Vampires: Taeyeon, Yoona, Hyoyeon & SooyoungHumans: Tiffany, Seohyun, Sunny, Yuri & JessicaRelationships: Taeyeon & Tiffany  Seohyun & Sunny  Yuri & Jessica [daughter Yoona]  a little Hyoyeon & SooyoungAges: Vampires: Taeyeon - 152 years  Hyoyeon - 98 years  Sooyoung - 70 years  Yoona - 2 weeks (Vampire years = the years you have been a vampire. Human years dont count.) Humans: Tiffany - 25(+11) years  Seohyun - 21(+43) years  Sunny - 23 years  Yuri - 23 years  Jessica - 25(+37) years. (The first number is the age they look to be, the (+) years are the years they havent grown in aka theyve drank vampire blood from time to time.) And yeah, this story breaks some laws of physics/common sense lol. Two females can have a child. Two humans can have a vampire child. A vampire and a human can have a child. Two vampires can not have a child. Vampires grow to adults and then stops. Humans stop growing and heals faster when drinking vampire blood. Vampires might too enjoy drinking vampire blood. Vampires die naturally at around 500 years of age. Vampires cant die from anything but age but can be very hurt by sunlight.So live with that or dont read haha.
