Out Swinger

Fluff 00K Active
Latest: Goal!
Time: 2023-11-02

An alternate take on Momo and Minas first date from the Off The Record series (aka the one where Momo is a goalkeeper). ForewordLook what the tide washed in!Hi everyone, I hope youre all doing well and helping out how you can. This is a crazy time, so Im back here to try and bring some relief to your gay hearts with this old draft I found in my notes. Its unedited and not that long, but its really cute, so I hope you enjoy it.I also want to show as much support as I can to the Black Lives Matter movement, so I come here to encourage everyone to donate and support however you can. Below are a few links on how to do so:How to support?Where to donate?Research!I know it might seem like the world is ending, like everything is turning to shit, and yeah, I feel scared too, but if theres one thing we can do is spread our love and support. You are not alone.See you soon!xxPS: I have a few other drafts ready to go, so if youre into this sort of content, please let me know so Ill keep posting!
