One Game
Seoul Sport and performing Art High School is formed by a man who wants to help out the youth to develop their talents into succes. Authors note about the schoolI am a teenage girl who writes this story. I attend a high school who focusses on different arts and sports wich makes attending school more appealing. And ofcourse its healthy to do arts and sports. Seoul Sport and performing Art High School in this story is fully inspired by my own school and surely exists. Since so many things have happened around me in this schoolyear, Im inspired to write a story about it. Short summary: this fanfic is partly based on a real story, just figure out by yourself whats real and whats not. ^^ The sports are divided in ordinary physical education, High School Sport and Topsport. In the first three years of high school, youve to chose a so called "profile" wich will be part of your course in the upcoming three years. These "profiles" are: performing arts (dancing, acting and singing but mainly dancing), physical education (its required for everyone but if you chose this, youll get more physical education hours than others), visual art (painting, projects and stuff like that) and OMEGA (the kids who dont chose any of the previous "profiles"). The talented kids in sports and performing arts have something special wich could lead them into a professional career. Instead of a "profile" talented sporters can audition for Highschool Sport or Topsport. Highschool Sport is for those who are good in a specific sport like Football: Highschool Football, or hockey: Highschool Hockey. School manages your schedules so you can attend enough lessons and train your sport. Topsport is for the really talented kids who are also good in a specific sport like soccer: Topsport Soccer. These topsporters get trained by professionals from a youth academy of a first Division club (for example Liverpool; for my school its Feyenoord). As a topsporter at our school, you can become a proffesional; for example; soccer player. Examples: Stefan de Vrij, Robin Van Persie (Dutch International Soccer player who graduated from my highschool). Ive classmates who are topsporters in swimming, tennis and soccer who play world championships. The kids who do performing arts are also devided in a higher and lower class. The kids from the higher class get more expensive lessons from teacher from performing art universities while the "lower class" get less experienced teachers. The standard courses: English and Korean (vernacular), general science (GS), Culture and Arts (CAA), Math, Art/Sport and French/German/Latin/Chinese etc. Compared with other countries, weve to chose different sections with subjects we want to study later in college/university, see below: Betha kids: Sciences and Technology: Science, Physics, Nature Life and TechnologySciences and Health: Physics, Science and biology Alpha kids:Culture and Society: history, geography, management and OrganisationCulture and economy: economy, history/ geography, management and Organisation (sometimes we can also mix up subjects and chose economy as a betha kid because people want to study economy+sciences together later) I hope you will understand the story better with this "system" of the school. We sometimes call another a betha kids or alpha kid for some reason, once youve read this and understand it a bit, youll understand the story better. ForewordPairing: Kaistal Genre: School and romance Language: English Leading charactersJung Soojung KrystalFor many, ball is life; thats how the call it but for Soojung, dance is life. Ever since she lived in the US, she grew up with dancing as hobby. Krystal moved to Korea at age 10 because her parents are wholesalers and started a company in Korea as individuals to export goods to America. The language Korean itself and the culture has been unfamilair for Krystal. One of the reasons why both Jung sisters didnt learn Korean as fast as normal Korean American families would is because of the Jung parents. Theyd talk English often at home. Because they were often busy, they didnt take the time to help their kids with Korean. The Korean culture has never been a important topic in the family. Three years long, Krystal went to a foreign primary school. She is smart but unfortunately because of language barriers she doubled in 7th grade when she went to a Korean middle school. Kim Jongin KaiJongin is 18 years old boy who loves football. He always got benefits because of his family. He likes to play ;sometimes even forgets to study; but once again, thanks to his family, he always get to pass every schoolyear with good grades. Kai mostly spends his time with sport. He trains three times in a week in the morning, during morning class as Topsporter Baseball. Six times a week, he spends his time on the fields, training with his mates. If Kai was hardworking in studying like he was hardworking in training, hed probably had graduated high school at his 17th. Supporting charactersKang SeulgiShe is likable because of her easy going and sort of tomboyish personality. Shes close with everyone because of her personality. Seulgi could be called an Homo Universalis. She is great in anything, from math to art, from dance to sport. She looks like a member of a wealthy family. Classmates around Seulgi dont know much about her exact home situation because only realy friends know eachothers personal things right? But when can you call someone a friend? Kim Myungsoo LMyungsoo is tall and handsome. People ;in the neighbourhood Myungsoo lives in; see this grown up 21 years old guy as probably the most caring of the hood. One of Myungsoos neighbours is the Jung family. Myungsoo and Krystals older sister, Jessica are the same age. Myungsoo took care of the younger Krystal as only child with Jessica whenever the Jung parents were overseas for business or away from home.