Untangle You
Untangle You There’s a reason behind why people made “Imagination is better than reality.” Sentence.At first, I don’t even have a clue what’s the meaning of it. But after a sudden hit of confusing love problem I’ve been trough, now I totally know the whole meaning of real reality.All the women In this world must be in a seven clouds when she will tie a knot with the one she loves, right?But…What if the groom doesn’t loves you back?And worse…He is actually in love with your bestfriend?As chliche as its sound, It’s happen to me. And I don’t have any idea how it will end..Will you fight for him to like you back?Or go to someone else that already waiting for you with his whole heart from the beginning? ForewordCars passed next to me as I walked in the trotoar. My eyes were so heavy because I was watching too many new fancams of EXO at Seoul Collection last night. I slept at 1 a.m. And now I have to walk to school at 6.30 a.m. Less than six hours of sleeping. Ughh… you know what? When I was young, even just to stay awake until ten p.m., was a really hard task for me. But now, sleeping late is become a daily routine. A habit. It’s so hard to sleep early since I entered my teenage life. *sigh* What an irony.I walked wobbling like a drunk girl. Some of the pedestrians look at me with a weird face. My mind planning many tactics to sneak out from History lesson at the first period. I planned to go to the nursery, pretending that I’m sick or dizzy. So I can restore my energy. I smiled in satisfy when thinking about the comfy nursery bed. Grinned while yawning like a hippo. Didn’t realize that there’s someone walking in front of me.BRUKK!!I bumped that person, a namja voice yelled at me afterwards,“Yah!” He yelled, made me look at him in instant. A tall handsome boy got up from his fell position. Dusting his pants, while standing in front of me like a tower. His white earphone fell and I instantly took it and gave it to him. I saw his eyebrows scrunched a little in annoyance when he accepted the earphone. He glanced at me and we met an eyes. His scrunched up eyebrows suddenly vanished. I suddenly remembered I haven’t apologize to him. In an instant, I bowed.“Ah, chusomida.” I said. Smiled a little, then walked passed him. Didn’t realize that he was staring at me. ================================================================================© Aderanoyy 2013. All right reserved. Characters ++Jo Nayoung (You)++CuteChildishSensitiveFunnyTalktive ++Jung Daehyun++EasygoingBluntNiceHandsome of course ++Song Minna (Na-Chan)++PrettyFunnyNiceShy ++Kim Myungsoo++CharmerhandsomeFunnyNiceOthers will be revealed in the story. *Wink*=========================================================================== Annyeong yeorobunnnnn!!!~ I come back with a new story AUUUUUUUUUUU~ Saranghaeyo!!!I. WILL. DEFINITELY. FINISH. THIS. STORY. NO. MATTER. HOW. LONG. IT. WILL. TAKE.*Fighting-fighting-fighting*Dont worry, Be happy!!!!SUBSCRIBE, COMMENTS, UP VOTE, ADD ME AS A FRIEND, AND... please promote this story.... *sobs*Anyways, too many EXO feels now, but I made a Daehyuns fic OTLEnglish is not my first language, sooooo MIANHEEEEEE T^T please tell my grammatical errors and I will fix it. Pyong~Pyong~LOVE YAAA!!!