My little miracle Bao Yu Wu

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Author: Choi_KaeLi
Time: 2023-11-02

Kris is preggo with the worlds first Taoris baby. Kriss POV Foreword I lied down on my bed in between Tao and Kae. My baby girl kicked in for a few seconds. Micha and Luhan were at the hospital due to the baby dropping. Kae was texting Micha.“The baby is having breathing problems and her heart rate is keeping steady.” Kae said. My baby kicked me a few more times. I grabbed Tao’s hand and placed it in the middle of my big belly.“Awww.” He smiled at me kissing my lips. I’m so excited. Tao went to go get his son Kenji yu. Kenji’s so cute Tao let me hold Kenji. He’s about a year in a half old.“Hi Kenji.” I say. “Got a kiss for me?” I gave him a kissy face and he kissed me on my nose. “I love you. Your little sister will be here soon.” I looked at Kenji giving him a kiss before Tao took him to bed. I felt my baby move heavily like I did when I was six months pregnant. I lied up placing Kae’s hand on my belly.“She’s moving!” She smiled. I started to groan as the baby kicked harder. She’s moving to intensely as if she wanted to come out. “Kris?” she asked. “Are you alright?” I looked at her before I could speak a weird liquid came down my leg. My water broke.“It’s time Kae!” I said. “The baby is coming.” I grabbed my belly leaning forward. Tao ran into the room and rubbed my belly to calm our baby. He picked me up bridal style and took me out the door. It scared Xiumin who was only three months pregnant and trying to sleep on Chen’s chest. Tao drove while Kae comforted me during my contractions. “It’s ok gege.”I leaned to whisper in her ear. “I never told Tao about this high risk pregnancy.” I started crying. Kae held me as I cried. “What if I die? I can’t imagine how Tao would react if I told him this pregnancy would kill me. I did lots of bad things to him. I don’t know how he still even loves me.” Kae knew about my high risk pregnancy. She promised me she wouldn’t tell Tao. I’m basically ruining her relationship with Tao. I deserve to die.“Of course he loves you Gege. Tao will always love you. I’ll always love you. She kissed me on my nose.“I deserve to die.” I cried.“Kris Wu!” Kae shouted silently to me. “You do not deserve to die. I won’t let you!” She placed her hand on my aching belly. “Your baby won’t let you.” She hugged me as another contraction hit me. I groan wrapping my arms around her. “It’s okay Kris.” She said kissing my cheek.“What if I die?” I asked her.“You won’t Kris.” She replied“But what if I do die?” I begged. “What will happen to my daughter?”“Me and Tao will raise her for you. I’ll make sure she knows who her real umma is.” She said. “But you won’t die. Me you and Tao will raise her and Kenji. We’ll be one big happy family.” She told me. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. We got to the delivery room Tao helped me on my bed. The nurse gave me a gown to change into.“The doctor will be with you in a little while.” She said.“Thanks.” I said rubbing my belly. “Well. This is it.” The doctor arrived faster than I thought.“Okay..” He said. “Time to check your dilation.” “I feel weird about this.” I told him keeping my legs together.“I’ve done a lot of male pregnancies.” He said back. I took a deep breath a separated my legs. It still felt so weird but I have to do it. “You’re almost there.” Kae massaged my shoulders.
