The Only One to See
Im Dankyun and Changkyun are identical twins, and pretty isolated ones at that. After Dankyun had his heartbroken by his first boyfriend, Changkyun puts all his effort into keeping such a travesty from happening again. However, when theyre forced to join a club at the behest of their homeroom teacher, Changkyun cant help but notice how eager his twin is to jump right in. Just why is this, and how is it a random upperclassmen can tell them apart so easily? ForewordLim Dankyun and Changkyun are identical twins, which can make life fun at times. They’re able to get away with a lot more than most siblings, because people can never tell them apart. They also have the whole twin telepathy thing going for them, which they have to admit is pretty cool.However, as mentioned, no one can ever tell them apart. This can be a bit frustrating, like when Dankyun had a crush and began dating this one guy in their first year of middle school. Things got extremely awkward when he mistook Changkyun for his brother, and resulted in an immediate breakup and a broken heart. In an effort to keep this from happening to his brother again, Changkyun began to isolate them both from the social atmosphere at school. Dankyun was too broken at the time to fight it, his sorrow and misery numbing himself to much of the goings-on around him. But, this all changed in their first year of high school when their homeroom teacher halfway-forced them to join a music club. My fourth submission for the MONSTA X Winter Bingo 2017 Edition!!!!