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Donghae 10K Active
Author: lee_hyukhae
Latest: Day 4 Month 3
Time: 2023-11-02

Hi.. lee_hyukhaes back again with new fanfic! Honestly, im not done yet with my other fanfics, but i cant let this idea run out xD, but of course, Ill be still updating those :), hope you support me and my other fanfics as well So we have here another Eunhae fanfics, but this time, the theme is lighter, compared to my other ffs :) So we have Eunhae in an AU, school life :) how they develop friendship, despite of their differences, aand can also lead to love? Who knows? If you wanna know what will happen, then go SUBSCRIBE xD Foreword"What the hell you want with me?" I asked annoyingly, throwing little bits of crumpled paper to his face. He smiled, is this guy stupid or what? "Well for me, I want to be friends with you, if you dont mind" I stared at him. He comtinued, "Hey, I never heard you talk, mate, so I thought you were mute" Aish, this guy....
