Those Little Thing....

Baekhyun 00K Active
Latest: final
Time: 2023-11-02

Drabble for the cute, sexy breakfast couple BAEKYEOL..its MY KITTEN idea actually, i just steal it and post it here.. kitten, I LOVE U. <3credit : LEE BYUNGHUN <-- my lovely kitten  Foreword"What about him?" Asked Baekhyun. He nuzzled his face into Chanyeols back. Breathing in the sweet scent of vanillia.  "Ive met him before. He was so handsome! His skin was perfect and his face. Oh, god. He was like a god-..Baek?"  Chanyeol stopped speaking and yelped as a hand harshly gripped onto his hip.  The taller boy slowly turned his head around and was met with the piercing gaze of his lover.
