Let me love you, let me heal you.

Yaoi 20K Active
Author: sadclown007
Time: 2023-11-02

A coming age story about a group of boysand their conflicting feelings for each other.  << Alone lying on is bed, Jason was thinking. Nobody was home. They all went to celebrate after their first showcase but he told his manager that he was not feeling good to leave earlier ... he lied ... it was a lie. He couldnt describe exactly how he felt, but one thing for sure: he was confused. At first the fans hated him, because they accused him of ruinning the group synergy. Then they love him because they found him very talented for a chinese singer. Some still hate him more than never. HE was working very hard and trying his best , Pledis was happy with his work so thats all matter but ... there was something else. He noticed a while ago how Ren would look at him and act around him.  Aron ... this time, he was sharing the bedroom with him, at first they didnt talk much because his English was not that perfect but Aron could understand him, so they got the habit of talking in English to each other.Plus he was a bit older than the others, so with him he didnt feel the age GAP.He was chill with the others but closer to Ren and Aron. Ren was beautiful, charming and ... almost perfect. Jason always felt the need to look after him and protect him everytime they were together and Ren got used to it.  ... with Aron it was different. There was those times when he was not sure if he could do it, when fans insulted him ... Aron would smiled at him and tell him that everything would be fine, he would rub his back and smile at him or ... come in his bed and let him cry on his shoulder ... Aron would take care of him.  Jason was not sure of his feelings for them or theirs feeling toward him, it was so blurry in his mind, he felt asleep thinking of them. >>
