.: D e a d l y :.
Only the elite and sharp-minded attend IOTSA and AIA, prestigious assasination schools. Danger is never far and bittersweet romances are always staining the air. To become number one, you must be prepared to sacrifice anything; your family, your dreams and your lovers.One mistake; and there goes your life.One mistake; you will lose everything you ever worked for.One mistake; and there will be deadly consequences. ForewordIOTSA (International Organization for The Training of Selected Assasins ((pronounced eye-oh-saa) and AIA (Academy of International Assasinations ((pronounced eye-ah) are the elite schools that the best of the best and the ones that show promise attend.Over eight years of intense training and education, these two boarding schools produce some of the most lethal (and good looking) assasins in the world.Thus, they become competitive which each other to claim top school number one while their students compete with each other, with unexpected romance evolving. ~In IOTSA and AIA, there are eight main grades (probably the only thing they both agreed on).These are the grades from highest to lowest:Grade/Level Eight - PhoenixGrade/Level Seven - TigerGrade/Level Six - PantherGrade/Level Five - EagleGrade/Level Four - ScorpionGrade/Level Three - Nine-Tailed FoxGrade/Level Two - Praying MantisGrade/Level One - Wasp The ones in Grade Eight Phoenix are utterly respected by their juniors, because they are the elite of the school.There are different sets of uniforms for both IOTSA and AIA, one set for missions, one for training and one for school.THE MOST IMPORTANT POLICY IN IOTSA AND AIA:Assasin Masks:Which look similar to masquerade masks, but a lot stronger (nearly impossible to break) and with special spy features.A mission with:No or low risk of danger - No masksMedium risk of danger - Half masks (which cover the nose and forehead but not the mouthHigh risk of danger - Full masks Each Assasin grade has their unique mask.As well as this, each assasin is given their own codename once they enter this selective entry school. ~ IOTSA Motto - S.S.S (Stealth, Speed & Skill) AIA Motto - Paenitere - Do not regretorNon Paenitebit - Never Regret ~CHARACTERS:B2st - Kikwang, Yoseob, JunhyungInfinite - Myungsoo, HoyaMBLAQ - MIR, Thunder2PM - Taecyeon, NichkhunDBSK - Jaejoong, ChangminF.T Island - Lee Hong KiFahrenheit - Aaron YanSNSD - Seohyun, Jessica, Sunny, TiffanyMiss A - Suzyf(x) - Victoria ~ : ~ : ~ : ~Hello~! It is me, Daydream again ^-^My friends Fiona and Muni helped me plan this story, to which Im very grateful for. Ill set up the character profiles in the next chapter, because this foreword is a bit of a jumble.I know this foreword is very messy and I will fix it later because Im going cross-eyed from staring at the screen ~ xDPlease subscribe and comment :>P.S (about the AIA motto, I had to use Google Translate, which is very dodgy xD)